

Ok this was taken from the city Guide book . and only part of

The first mention of the city comes fromthe year 1230 in wich Kosice is referred to as "Villa Cassa"in relation to the Lubina municpality, which later ceased to exist .Other important written mentions of Kosice are in documents from the year 1249 and 1261 .Privileges of the German colonists who were invited by the ruker Bela IV, are mentioned in these documents .Kosice gradually became a significant economic cultural ans social centre .on may 7th 1369 Kosice received a caot of arms from kijng Ludwig of Anjou. it was the first coat of arms of a city in Europe ,which was certfied by a coat of arms charter .The city was actively involved in determining the fate of the contry by its action and standpionts . the caot of arms and signet as special historic sources are the most reliable symblos of the city and degree of the attainedrise of the city .

Among the large amount of cultural and historic sights,it is essential to mention the gothic cathedral,which is the furthest in the East in Europe, and which is the largest in Slovakia,the cathedral of Saint Elizabeth. It was built in the high gothic style and was consercrated to Saint Elizabeth. Its construction began in the 1380 on the site of a parisf church, which had been destroyed by fire .The constrution continued in several stage until the year 1508 ...

this is anther biulding in the town but still got that gothic look to it ..

The most beautiful sculpture in Kosice .It was built as a thanksgiving for the ending of the plague epidemic,wars, ans famine in the years 1720-1723 .

this is as you can see the water dance to muisce and at night it has lights to go with it .I have a small vid of it in day light hope to get one of it at night with lights going as well .will hope to put it on here but will see .

All the stuff about Kosice came from the free city Guide book what was in the hotel ..
For me it is a very historic and cultural place to be . I like looking at buildings and the architectural of place with a lot off history to them and thinck they did all that without a computor or enthing eles what we of this day will ues to builkd the same things .I find that a newer biulding in a lot of the time is ugley has no life to it but the older was of the 14th to 17th centrys have a story to till and some and i think they make a place alive .
Ok thats all for now keep it sunny side up till next time ......


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