

OK call the office today got to call back on Monday still got nothing. So at Caz's for the weekend. Another long weekend off.


Hi to all. This is just an update. I had to call in last Friday to see what the plan was. He said you are off for another week, i said no back on Monday he said OK call me on Monday as your truck is still in the shop. OK..... so called on Monday and he had nothing, he told me he would call the next day and he didn't, so as it's Friday again i am going to call him later to see if there is an update for next week. So... still at Caz's at the mo till i get some work. So keep it sunny side up till the next one ....



Hi to all. Some of my mates have been asking me for some photo's of my tattoo which i am in the middle of having done on my back. So here are some of the photos i have of it from the first sitting. I have had in it in my head for some time now, about (15years) the base of it is "free spirit" wolf, red indian squaw, eagle is what I started with. Then it was, find a tattoo artist who was willing and up for a challenge to do the work and who i liked. Then i found "the one" the guy who's doing it now, and it's coming together slowly, I say slowly because thats down to me having the time and cash. We are also talking about another animal to go on there but don't know what yet maybe a stag or a bear we don't know yet.

Caz said bambi! we said bollocks to that!!!!!!!!!!

Visit 1: Wolves. This was taken just after they were tattooed and had cream on them.

Visit 2: Some colour was put into them. Still waiting to have their eyes in blue.

Visit 3: The base of the squaw was put on with a little colour. Still got a lot to do on her yet.

Sorry about the love handles.
Visits 4&5: Some tree's (no i am not a tree hugger) and some shading on the squaw's face.

The small photo show's the difference between visit's 4 and 5.

Visit 6: Was this week Tuesday we had the eagle. He had to draw this free hand, and fuck it looks good now. There is some colour to go on yet. The next day (Wednesday) i was due back for some more work.

This photo was took only 2hrs after it was done.

This is what it looks like with the eagle on.

Wednesday afternoon back in. Mike (The tattooist) wanted to start putting the base of the orb in which would join it all to together, so a base of lilac was put on.

Then next time there will be some different colour put in on the lilac. Don't ask me how he is going to do it but for what he says it's going to look great so wel'l have to wait and see, and what we will use the bear or the stag or some thing else don't now yet.

NO Caz not bambi.

She had one on her shoulder of a white lion cub and that looks great. Better than i thought it would of looked like.

Ok then keep it sunny side up boy's & girl's and have a good one till the next post


Hello to you all; YES i know its been a bit since writing, but been at Caz's now for about 5weeks and totally chilled out, but all good things come to an end and have to call the office later to day, to see what the plan is for Monday as due back to work then.

Here are some photo's, picked with no real meaning, just some from the last two tours i have been on.

Well the first two are for mike (MIKE'S JOLLY IN CANADA) there's 10 driver's having a BBQ in the parking lot by the arena in Murcia last year. We do it a lot when there's a few drivers. SO if your truck was smoking a bit Mike your doing it wrong mate! hehehehe. Hope it was a good BBQ with TJ.

We borrowed the BBQ from the showcrew. Next to the "chief chef" a.k.a Robert the cool box was full of meat and the other coolbox's full of beer, 3 off them.

Some of the drivers left to right. Rosco/ Jan/ Stefan/Alex/Ton and Robert is doing the cooking, he is so good at it and it always tastes better when someone else does the cooking.

This is Wesley a 21 year old owner driver. He hired a car in Malta, they drive on the left like the uk and he has never driven a right hand drive car until then. he's smiling, me...... shiting myself sat in the passenger seat.
And this was the toy car.

Why the truck has to go into the paint shop. I put the red marker's on the photo to show the damage which was done to the truck. The locker door was bent back into the red mark at the top right it pushed the panel in and broke the glass fibre door in half, there is a bit of wood in the inside of the door keeping it together. I hope it will be sorted by the time i get back to work.

This was me working a follow spotlight in the roof at one of the arena's last year doing a ICE SHOW. It was a long way up there, that's the light to the left.

Ryan, one of the skaters helping with the break down of the rigging before load out. The white is the ICE floor.

CAT, a skater helping with the same rigging and another skater.

A road in Romania 2007/8 tour.

Same tour but in Bulgaria just off the river crossing; good roads eh?

Waiting to leave Kosica transport yard with the last trl to go back this tour.

This is me and the good looking one Caz (aka) the spell checker.

And when we were talking on Skype.

On a weekend break in La Jonquera Spain, i saw this hummer and it was on route to a new life in Morocco, it was not very pretty up close (rust, etc etc etc).

This above is the invisable Greenwich time line sign in Spain and below the bridge that marks it.

In the distance of this picture is a field in Spain of solar panels. They seem to be popping up everywhere around Spain.

The Red caps, (Police) in north west of Spain doing there work on a motorway exit.

The Euro shuttle . The tunnel entrance in France.

One of the shuttle trains.

Getting on is very tight, the yellow marker is a post that if hit will stop you or do alot of damage.

Yellow markers on each side again. On the side of the flat deck, the flaps come up as its part of the train.

Driving down the carriages to the point where we stop. it's tight..... very very tight.

Looking straight down from my window, told you it was tight. The black is a step that keeps you right in the middle.

The train across from my truck. There are single and double decker carriages. The single one's are for coaches and the double ones are for cars which are enclosed, unlike the ones for trucks which are open planned.

These are the two best guy's in the world........ my two son's, love them to death. I'm very proud of them and their school reports were BLOODY GREAT lad's. OVER THE MOON WITH THEM.

A truck i would like to have to do the tour's with, but there a bit long for the job over here. All the space in this truck compared with the one i drive now it would be great on the road.(fucking euro law, They should allow that bit of extra length for the drivers comfort.)
Inside the truck above. (Its a got to have.)
OK hope you like them. Have been asked by some of my mates all over the place to post some photo's of the tattoo i'm having done on my back, so if some of you like i am going to do a post on that next time it is only half done at the mo. Will do another post on it at a later date to show you how its coming together. I had 2hrs yesterday and 1.5hrs today so abit sore at the mo..

ok Caz's turn.

Keep it sunny side up till the next one and have a safe one out there boys and girls ....



Hi to all. Update on the hand. Well, they took the stitches out on the 22nd June and it had opened up again so had to be careful for a while, then had to go back a week later for them to check it again. All is going good as you can see by the photo taken today (Sunday). Still very stiff and a bit numb but getting back to normality slowly.

Work !!!! The truck and trl was picked up by another uk driver who was at home in the company car. So now i got the company car and i'm off from the 3rd July as i am on my holiday's until about 27th July. Staying with Caz for this time as the truck is my home and its gone back to the yard for the annual inspection, m.o.t, service and to the paint shop for some work on it. As i will be off for a while I will try and go back and have a look at the photo's i took and put some more on here for you to see. It maybe day to day stuff and I really would'nt like to bore you all so we will see. At the moment when i go back to work "I think" I will be running to Spain alot until the new show's start again in September. Here in the uk is the first one and it's an ice show don't quite know "what" yet but think I will only be here till October as there is something else the boss is looking at as well but wel'l see, not telling yet but it will be something i have not done before, more to come in October about that. Ok then boy's and girl's keep smiling and have a good one till then ....

Come on Caz it's your turn.

keep it sunny side up till then ......