will we had to move all the trls our self will we didone each one sunday night then back with trls 3and 4 to the transport yard we use when where in town .wil after droping my one off i had the next day book off as the good looking one had to go to hospital on the tuesday so drove the truck to the girl friendes place what is in swindon that night just solo. will tuesday was a day off for me will that was soon over and it was 5am wednesday morning and it was back to work so swindon to sunderland to get the larst one for me as robert had move one on tuesday and that left 2 more to move so solo up there where robert was waiting for me nice of him no he just wanted a coffey so it was coffeeeyyyy time . will down to manchester for the night .Had the morning off so nothing to do but to wash the old girls and make them look good got all the sait wash off and the looked good .will back to the blot where was i . "O" yes back to work load in was in a very small theatre will the manchester opera houes houes was then name off the game its small place will just look at the pickys they till it all .i said in the larst post we back load 4 trls sorry that was wrong it was only 2 there in sunderland. it was here where we had to load 4to 5 trls back as this place is small so that was going to to fun agine on load out day hang on a mo geting a head of myself .will load in day was a very warm day and just where the cab door was park to unload ther was a hot snack place so they did a lot off pies and stuff like coffeeeeeessss .will we where park in a small street a busy trteet top that as will bus cars building site as will as you can see by one picky but haho the show most go in at all cost bollocks to that .it was in and thats it till sunday agine ........will keep it sunny side up
small street in manchester
one of the local`s looking busy

thats my truck park right next to the snack shop it was fun with the taxes park there as will

this was the small street we had to come down and that was till we put the ramps out

this is where all the stuff went in yes i am not joking it gets bitter (come with me inside)

will they had to hook it and lower it and that was for all they trls and it did not take to long only 4hrs to load in

some of the local's taking a break dont now why they did sweet f.all (only joking guys) they are a mead buch they duck tape one of our driver's larst year (steve mills) for taking the piss out of nott's county... one of the buses we where playing with trying to unload and reload

THIS ROBERT AND GOOES .. my co mate and he's girl one of the cast